Was ist das „Nordmazedonien-Projekt“?

Der Bundesleiter (Mile) der Royal Rangers in Nordmazedonien möchte sich mit seiner ganzen Kraft in die Jugendarbeit investieren und sich mehr auf die Royal Rangers Arbeit in Mazedonien konzentrieren. Im Zuge dessen kommt natürlich der Beruf kürzer. Wir als Stamm 421 finden das Projekt gut und möchten dieses gerne unterstützen.

Finanziell werden insgesamt etwa 1.500 EUR im Monat benötigt. Für dieses Budget suchen wir nach Spendern, die bereit sind, einmalige und/ oder regelmäßige Spenden zu schicken.

Projekt Nordmazedonien
Rundbrief - April 2021
Mihail & Katerina Kolevi serving with Royal Rangers in Macedonia
April 2021

Blessed be the Lord our God who has blessed us abundantly and entrusted us to be part of His eternal plan to serve His kingdom and raise the next generation of servant leaders and Christlike man and woman in Macedonia.

By God’s grace I have been involved in the Royal Rangers ministry for 16 years now, the last 8 years as leader and previously as a child. Together with my friends I have participated in many National Training Camps around the Balkans and in Macedonia. I have been involved in multiple leadership positions in the outpost and in the national office, and from March 2019 I have been elected for National Commander for Royal Rangers Macedonia.

Projekt Nordmazedonien

I took the responsibility to extend and improve an organization which last year celebrated 20 years ministry in Macedonia. Many things have been done in the past and I had many ideas what I can do for the future, but I know one thing that I want to see for sure happen while I am in the leading position, and that is: I want to raise the next generation of young people who will raise the church in Macedonia to a new level. Through the Royal Rangers work I want to encourage and raise the new pastors, teachers, preachers, helpers, politicians… the list can continue. This way I believe we will see revival come to our country which has lost its identity long time ago.

Projekt Nordmazedonien

I am married to my beloved wife Katerina, and we are proud parents of our two adorable kids, Hilda (2,5 years old) and Jakov (4 months old). I work as a dentist in Gevgelija and we serve as youth leaders in our local church – Evangelical Church Gevgelija. My wife is responsible for the IFES student ministry in Macedonia and she serves as the General Secretary there, but at the same time she is a key person and one of the biggest supporters of my work with the Royal Rangers.

While I was still studying to be a dentist I always had the idea that my work will serve just as engine for finances, but I always knew in my heart that I want to serve the Lord. Two years ago when we moved to Gevgelija and my daughter was born I found it more difficult to find the time I wanted to invest in my ministry. “Thanks” to COVID last year I had a lot of time to rethink some of the decisions I have made for me and my family, and from the beguiling of this year 2021, I decided to reduce my working hour in the dental practice and invest more time in the ministry. This was a tough decision having in mind all the bright future, prosperity and wealth that my profession is promising if I invest myself 100% for that cause, but at the same time I know that my heart is burning for God and I can not imagine to leave aside His calling for me to serve Him and the young people in Macedonia.

I believe my decision to reduce my working hours in the dental clinic will give me more time to build and strengthen the Royal Rangers work in Macedonia. I have started project for training Young Leaders and I want to invest time personally building up these teenagers. I want to have time to visit and strengthen outpost. I am involved in the process of editing and publishing books that will help the ministry reach the potential and give the right vision and direction for all the leaders and Rangers. I want to have time to do camps, go on adventures, hikes and show a good example of how our dedicated work gives results, which is new kids coming to the outpost, and from the outpost to the church.

I believe that God will bless us in this journey and the money and prosperity that I am giving up will return as a blessing to the Royal Rangers ministry and the Kingdom of God in Macedonia. Please keep us in your prayers!

Royal Rangers Macedonia

E-Mail: royalrangersmacedonia@gmail.com

Tel: +389 71 299 254

Website: royalrangers.mk